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Murree Formation
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Murree Fm base reconstruction

Murree Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Miocene

Pakistan Indus Basin

Type Locality and Naming

Rawalpindi Gr. – lowesr formation. Holotype section: North of Dhok Maiki in District Attock. Author: A. B. Wynne, 1874. Reference section: None.

Lithology and Thickness

Siltstone to Sandstone. The formation is comprised of a monotonous sequence of dark red to maroon color siltstone and clay interbedded with red, brown and grey color sandstone. The basal strata of the formation consists of light greenish grey calcareous sandstone and conglomerate with abundant derived larger foraminifera of Eocene age; this horizon has been designated as Fatehjang Member after the 'Fatehjang Zone' of Pilgrim (1918); the member also contains vertebrate remains and is about 70 m thick near Fatehjang. In the Kohat area, the formation has a higher percentage of sandstone, which is brown, greenish grey, in places purple and is medium to coarse grained. The formation gives a maroonish hue to the terrain where it outcrops.

Thickness: 180-3,000+ m in outcrops. 544-1,896 m in subsurface. It is just over 3,000 m in northeastern Potwar, but thins out to only 9 m at Banda Daud Shah in southwest of Kohat. The formation ranges in thickness from 180-600 m in the northern SR. In the oil wells drilled in Potwar the encountered thickness from (east to west) at Adhi-5 1,320 m, at Dhermund-1 544 m and at Dakhni-1 it is 1,896 m. Farther west across Indus River at Chanda -1 well, it is 1,190 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Unconformably overlies various Eocene formations. Overlies Kuldana Fm at the type locality of Kuldana.

Upper contact

Conformably overlain by Kamlial Fm (transitional).

Regional extent

The formation is widely developed in Kohat-Margala Province (Ko-MP and the Trans Indus-Potwar Province (TrI-PP), and extends up to Kashmir. It is not encountered in T-CP, where Siwaliks directly overlie Eocene rocks as seen in the drilled wells.




The main body of the formation is poorly fossiliferous and only some plant remains, silicified wood and mammalian bones are recorded. However, the Fatehjang Member has yielded identifiable mammals indicating Anthracotherium bugtiense. Brachyodus giganteus, B. cf. africanus, Palaeochoerus pascoei, Hemimeryx sp., Teleoceras fatehjangensis etc.


Early Miocene.

Age Span: 

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    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Nusrat K. Siddiqui